User:Douglas Whitaker

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Hello, my name is Douglas Whitaker and I am currently attending the University of Florida as a doctoral student in statistics education. I hope to do my share in contributing to Wikipedia; I would like to add photographs to Wikipedia and intend to do so from the image requests page; if you would like me to try and take a specific photo, just contact me and I'll see what I can do.

I also keep a blog that is loosely devoted to Statistics Education: (Right now it is a hodgepodge of topics that interest me with a focus on statistics and graduate school.)

I want to improve my poor Spanish, so I'm trying to read and contribute to the Spanish language version of Wikipedia. Here is my userpage.

Created Articles[edit]

Article Drafts[edit]

Articles To Create[edit]

  • Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics
  • Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics
  • Assessment Standards for School Mathematics

Articles To Improve[edit]


Contributed Pictures[edit]

All of the photographs I've contributed to Wikipedia have been moved to a gallery subpage: Photo Contributions


I like userboxes, but only the most-relevant are displayed here. All of my userboxes are here: Userboxes